Newton’s Third Law in Relationship

3 min readMar 12, 2024


When we were in elementary school, we studied about motion theory founded by Isaac Newton. One of his formulation is Action-Reaction Law or well-known as Newton’s Third Law.

“Every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Basically, it explains when A object gives force to B object, then B object will exerts a force equal and opposite reaction as the A object, and we could call it as interaction.

(Newton’s Third Law Overview ; source)

Mathematically, it can be written by this formula:

Fa = -Fb or Faction = -Freaction

So, what is the correlation of Newton’s Third Law with Relationship?

As you know, they are in different fields. Newton’s theory researched based on Science, meanwhile relationship usually researched on Social sciences. Moreover, in Social science we don’t need to do the calculation regarding mass and acceleration. However, as I mentioned before, this is related with a variable called interaction.

I understand, Newton gives an example about his third law using push-pull activities, or when we sit on our chair, how we slip away when we step on the banana peel. I won’t argue that since it is already proven since many years ago.

Unconsciously in our daily life, we do this law (almost every day). It might be can not be calculated by number or amount but every actions that we take, lead us to reactions — but if there is any tools that could calculate every force we take, I guess all that we do can be calculated.

Changing Action to Reaction

In science, a force formed by mass and acceleration. I believe every particles and molecules have those two variables. Including words that come out from interlocutors.

So how it gives impact to others? Let me give you a simple example.

When your mother ask you to close the door, there will be two possible outcomes: 1) You will do the command; or 2) You ignore it and send your little sister to do it. Those two possibility is well-known as a reaction.

This third law also happened in building a relationship, and surprisingly it occurs unconsciously without us wanting it.

Few weeks ago, I met a man that change my perspective about men — I used to be skeptical about how they treat woman as someone who had a lower status than them. Since some of them never want to listen about what we do, what idea that we have and etc. I was think that man never want to be defeated. Then I met him, well not in romantic ways but it was nice to have a conversation with him.

He listened all of the rubbish talk, he tried to appreciate what I have been done, he tried to understand our conversation goes and took his time to adapt with our cultural difference. Then, boom. His action definitely generates reactions to my soul.

After that meeting, I can’t stop thinking the conversation that we had done. Everything he said change my perspective, and for the very first time I’m feeling confident to open myself to the men.

I guess, this law also happened when we build a relationship with other people.

When someone do a good thing to us, it will make a good impact to our life. Vice versa, if someone do a bad thing that could hurt us, then deep inside we also want to take revenge to them.

Newton’s third law prove us that a force from an object will give an opposite reaction depends from how big the acceleration and mass that the other object give.

