Internship at Shopee Indonesia

3 min readJun 9, 2022


Today (9/6) is my last day as a Project Intern (ShopeeFood) at Shopee Indonesia. I started this program in February and was so excited to have a journey as a Shopee Team.

Shopee Lanyard xoxo

At first, I totally confused since this company has a lot of term that maybe some of people don’t know the meaning of it. But as the time passed by I am getting used to it. Especially because I have a helpful team that support me to pass through this process.

I still remember that I went shocked when my reporting manager invited me to supply group, since there were 5 boys in the group and I’m the only girl. [Well doesn’t it normal if a girl feels afraid around the boys 😅]. But as time passed by, I met a girl named Kak N from project team, she’s very nice! I like her, she’s so detail oriented and really patient to teach me how to use excel formulas. Then this team grow more and more until right now, it has 9 members in it. And I’m of course there are more girls in this team! 🙌

Virtual Team Dinner!

To be honest, I learn a lot. For me, having an internship in Shopee was a very precious moment in my life. It has a really fast pace so you can learn a lot of things in it. Moreover, they treat you equal with other full-time employee and they never underestimate your ability. If you really have an idea and you want to give your opinion, they always welcome with it. Everyone that I interact with in this company have a really positive vibes and try to support each other [well I don’t really know if there’s some of them is not].

Four months of this program, I learn how to process and analyze the data. I also know how to mapping a financial expenses and calculate the manpower planning. Besides that, my leader also teach me how to solve the problem. A sentence that always I keep on my mind is “You have the data, for what and so what?”. He always force the team not only report the problem, but also give an alternative solution. I also have opportunity to communicate with a lot of stakeholders such as field team, city ops executive, HRBP, and many more. It was so much fun! I know that environment really affecting someone process, but the most powerful energy is come from ourselves, if we set our mindset with positive ways, I think we will always see everything as a learning.

Last but not least, I’m feeling so blessed that I have an opportunity to be part as their team. Because they really appreciate what I have done for them, not only become a receiver, but unconsciously, I also give something for them. Thank you team! 💌

Lil’ me in front of Shopee’s Logo

P.s. : If you (the reader) curious what I’ve got from Shopee, well I got a lot of facilities such as free lunch, free snack, free team dinner, free water, and other free [lol, im not sure it’s the right vocab]. But well, I’m not gonna tell you about it in this post 😛 perhaps you can ask me directly~

